A wiki is a collaborative web site which visitors can edit directly in their browsers.
Seed Wiki is a wiki farm where anyone can start a wiki.
Seedwiki can be used to build collaborative web spaces for people, projects, or organizations. 
   Free basic accounts.
   A choice of 3 WYSIWYG editors for most popular browsers. 
   Pre-designed themes for your wiki and the ability to customize its look.
   The ability to download the content of your wiki to your own comupter at any time.
There is no charge for wikis that are for Non Commercial Use. A Seed Wiki Account with a low monthly fee will allow you to password protect your wiki, upload images and files to the server, or use your own domain name, or build a web site for your business.

We discourage Wikis that are pornographic, racist, or that incite people to violence. The world is harsh enough the way it is...

For more information see The Seed Wiki Book.

125 ms at Jan 02 04 06:36:53 AM.